Monday, April 20, 2009

Dog Sledding in Whitefish

In the month of March the Heylands invited us to join them for a little get away weekend at their time share in Columbia Falls, Montana (near Whitefish). What a wonderfully time! We just relaxed, visited, played games, read books, watch the John Adams HBO series and thoroughly enjoyed being together without any distractions. They are such good friends.
One of the best things we did while we were there was go dog sledding. It was so much fun! There were 100 dogs there! They were beautiful and they love people. They were so excited to see us and couldn't get enough attention from us.
The fellow that owns the place was telling us that they live to work. Every dog was leaping at the end of his/her chain begging to be chosen to pull our sleds. They were so excited. Some of the dogs were 14 and 15 years old and still pulling. He told us that he lets them decided when they want to quit and it is usually around that age when they slow down and don't want to pull any more. Like he said - that is a testament to the value of exercise. Most large dogs only live to about 10 years of age.
We were out about an hour on the sled. The trail was through a state forest and was absolutely beautiful. Dad wants to take all the grand kids there someday.
We will definitely go again.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

More 1940's Dance

Just few more pics from the dance. Jason and Beth went as well. They looked so good. I think I like this blog thing. A good way to keep a journal/scrapbook and share it with all of you at the same time:) Can't wait to learn more about it.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Diana Krall Concert

Beth and I went to the Diana Krall concert this week in Calgary. It was awesome!!! Her guitar player, Anthony Wilson is fantastic. It is worth following her around just to watch him play. Her new album is worth buying - she is back to the soft ballads like some of her earlier albums. Dad

1940'2 Theme Color Night Dance

So, we went to the best YSA dance ever last night. The theme was 1940's, so we oppted to dress military. The Lethbridge Big Band played all of the 40's swing type music and WW II tunes. It was so much fun! I wore my black opened toed pumps (the closest I had to a 40's style shoe) and my feet were killing by the end of the night. We hardly sat down the whole night. Poor Brian his knees are pretty sore today.But anyway, he sure looks great in uniform! He wore a German officers cap with some family heirloom medals that we have. I wore a Navy CWAC shirt that we dressed up with original patches and stuff and an authentic cap. Thank goodness for GI Jen's - they have tons of military stuff.Beth went with me to buy the costume pieces and got so caught up in it that she and Jason decided to dress up and come along to the dance. Everyone got into the spirit of it and with the costumes, the music, and the swing dancing it was like taking a walk back through history. It was great!